
So I only have 2 of my own recipes here for the moment, but they are indeed delicious ones :).

aboutbw2Hi! I’m Myriam, a former dancer turned yoga teacher based in Montreal. I’m also the mother of a beautiful toddler son and brand new baby daughter (oh the love!). I believe deeply in the virtues of bringing breath and body awareness as well as humor and loving-kindness to new mamas, and mamas-to-be! Read more→ 

Are you wondering about birth preparation? 

If you’re interested in birth preparation, I just launched a new ebook, which includes all of the resources that helped me to prepare physically and mentally in view of natural childbirth. 

4-Ingredient Magical Chocolate-Blueberry Smoothie

I don’t know what it is, but there’s something magical about this smoothie. The flavors seem to blend perfectly, the quantities are just right, and it feels like a decadent treat, when in fact it’s a simple, healthy and nutritious smoothie!

I just recently discovered this one, so I don’t know how it fares on the “pregnant-mamas’-desires” scale, but for the postnatal mama, it is a welcome addition to any day; not only is it filling and delicious, but it gives a bit of a mood perk too! (chocolate!!!) 

Whether it be a warm or a cool season, this smoothie is super for both. 

So here it is… again, I know it looks like the simplest smoothie recipe ever, but there’s just something about this combo that works! (like magic 🙂 ) 


1 Banana 

1 cup Frozen Blueberries 

1 cup Vanilla Almond Milk 

1 heaping tablespoon Cocoa Powder 


Blend ingredients together for 30 seconds and serve.

*Note: I recently replaced the blueberries with mixed berries, and the result was almost as good. 😉 

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